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Senior Pastor
Jason Knight
Jason Knight re-joined the staff in 2021 after serving as church planter and pastor of Heartland Baptist in Marysville, Ohio. He is a Midwest native who received ministry training at Northland Baptist Bible College. Both he and his wife, Holly, were brought up in ministry homes. As children, they each received Jesus Christ as Savior after evangelistic meetings, and as teens at Christian camps, they each surrendered their lives to follow God's leading into Christian work. In time, God led them together in marriage and into a life-calling of local church ministry. The Knights have five children and one grandchild.

Assistant Pastor
Josiah Knight
Pastor Josiah grew up in a pastor's family and was saved during an evangelistic meeting as a child. He dedicated his life to the Lord as a teenager and went to Maranatha Baptist University and Seminary to study the Bible and communication. At MBU, he met Lucie Drinkwater, another college student with a heart for Biblical counseling. In May 2022, Josiah and Lucie graduated and were married. The next month, they came to Bluelick and began their ministry together.

Assistant Pastor
Steven Mayer
Pastor Mayer grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 1998, he graduated from Northland Baptist Bible College in Dunbar, Wisconsin with a degree in Church Ministries and has been actively serving the Lord in church ministry. He met his wife Heather at Northland and they were married in 1998. After graduation, Steven and Heather served at Faith Baptist Church in Beloit, Wisconsin for six years and then moved to Jackson, Michigan, where they were on staff at Loomis Park Baptist Church for five and a half years. In the spring of 2010, God led the Mayers to Bluelick to serve in music and youth ministry. God has blessed them with five children Kaitlyn, Carissa, Ryan, Seth, and Alyssa.

Pastor Emeritus
James Neighbors
Pastor Neighbors began serving alongside his wife, Suzanne, at Bluelick in January 1978. Together, the Neighbors raised four children, all of whom currently serve in some form of church ministry. Pastor Neighbors's passion is preaching the Word of God. He believes that everyone needs to know Jesus as Savior and grow in grace. In 2022, the Lord led Pastor Neighbors to retire from Bluelick, and he now serves as an interim preacher through Gospel Fellowship Association.
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